Sunday, July 12, 2009

Robyn Francis: Regenerative Design Institute

I just spent five days in Bolinas, CA at the Regenerative Design Institute with Australia's Robyn Francis. Robyn is one of the pioneers of Permaculture and permaculture education in Australia. She has her own education center, Djanbung Gardens, and consults all over the world on various development projects, ecovillages, legislative issues related to deep ecology and much much more. There were 50 people in the workshop and they had 30 on the waitlist. I was in the presence of some truly amazing people and feel inspired and changed by the experience. I took away a lot from the workshop, but most of all I could feel that this way of living - care for earth, care for people, share of surplus (permaculture principles) - is dynamic and growing. We had attendees from across the United States, all ages, and most were quite experienced with farming, natural building, greywater, architecture, permaculture and much more . . .
I walked to the beach each day - only twenty minutes away - and saw some of California's beauty in its natural setting. Many people played instruments and brought them out for some impromptu late night improvs - drums, fiddle, accordion, mandolin, recorder, guitar and lots of singing!

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